
PAX East draws thousands to Boston Convention Center

The Penny Arcade Expo East ("PAX East") was held over the weekend of April 11 in Boston and represented one of the largest gatherings of video game fans on the East Coast. Developers, game publishers, players and brand representatives all showed up for three days of speeches, game demonstrations and product announcements, some of which rocked the industry.

As WBUR, a local NPR affiliate notes in their write-up of the event, PAX East is viewed as a populist response to events like Los Angeles' Electronic Entertainment Expo (EEE), which is exceedingly difficult to get into and typically features games that are more mainstream. Whereas EEE is an exclusive trade show that reflects the interests of major corporations and entertainment companies, PAX East features a sizeable number of independent developers and smaller, more niche gaming displays.

It's important to remember that events like PAX East typically feature hundreds, if not thousands, of exhibits, with many companies competing for the attention of new fans who are being bombarded with marketing. For an exhibitor who actually wants to make an impact and attract new followers and potential customers, creating a display that really catches their eye is crucial. No matter how good your product is, whether it's a new game or hardware, you can't approach such an event with a bare​-bones display and bank on the quality of your work alone.

For your next trade show make sure that you have an exhibit that will blow away the competition. One way to do this is to make your own gobo and use a gobo image projector to add a high energy, professional polish to your booth. If you'd like to find out how you can use gobos to enhance your visual branding at live events, contact today.

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